My dear readers….
I am sure you remember a couple years ago when the Captain got all tech-y and had the “Ring” doorbell installed with front door camera and all.
And because we have a front courtyard here at Villa de la Luna….in other words our home, the ability to see who is at the double front doors without having to leave the main part of the house… to go into the courtyard and to the second set of doors….well, it as been wonderfully convenient.
I can see and talk to anyone who comes within 30 feet of my front door.
Trust me when I say, that “Ring” doorbell and camera has been the best thing for me since sliced bread!
But wait there is more.
Being married to a “more is better” kind of person can have it’s drawbacks.
Soooooo now the Captain has gone one even better.
It started with not one, but two, brown, unlabeled packages that arrived and took up residence in his office.
I have to tell you that packages arrive here almost daily, because as you know I am an on-line shopper and have been for years and years.
So when two medium sized, lightweight packages arrived for the Captain…it was not unusual.
I placed them in his office and forgot about them.
Until…one day about two weeks after receiving the rectangle boxes, I took the mail into his office and the boxes were still sitting where I had placed them.
They hadn’t moved….or been moved might be more accurate.
And I was puzzled.
Hmmmmmm. Now my curiosity began to stir around in my brain and I could feel a case of Agatha Christie or Nancy Drew coming on.
The Captain was flying on his 7 days on and 7 days off schedule, so I was left to myself and my own imagination.
AND the brown boxes.
I looked at the labels more closely this time around and saw the return address was a post office address…no name to identify who the sender was let alone what was in them.
Now, you might say to me.
“Don’t you ask or discuss strange packages with the Captain when you receive them?”
And I have to tell you “No”…. because my entrepreneur husband is always wheeling and dealing something.
It could be the flip houses (there are 4 now) or the Navel Academy where he is on the board and constantly receiving, reading and viewing material, or his corporate jet work, his day job…where he receives “atta boys”, airplane model updates, etc. etc. etc.
I am too busy in my own right with my own packages of novel napkin rings or centerpiece items for a tablescape….to worry about the items the Captain receives.
However, most packages are opened soon after they they find their way to our Florida home….except…
…..except these two mysterious boxes.
And then.
And then, I found out just what was lurking in the dark confines of cardboard.
Multiple Security cameras.
This in addition to the “Ring” doorbell camera which shows who is within 30 feet of the front door.
The Captain assured me that with all these cameras and microphones, we would be able to have sound and surveillance of the complete perimeter of our home….all from the convenience of our IPhones or laptops.
From anywhere, anytime.
I thought.
Next step? The Captain installed all the cameras and microphones in the most inconspicuous places…I couldn’t even find the cameras, whereas the “Ring” camera was easily seen, which could or could not have been a good thing.
He proudly showed me how he had strategically secured the complete perimeter of the house, so that there was not/is not….. one inch of property that we cannot see at any time of the day or night.
I felt like I was an accomplice to James Bond, setting traps for unsuspecting terrorists.
Only one thing.
Those cameras are so sensitive that they see EVERYTHING!!!!
…and report them immediately to me and the Captain, even when he is flying in and out of the states.
Plus, there are recordings just in case you missed a notification of any movement, and they go on a video file.
For example:
The other evening I received a ding or ping on my phone and instantly, up popped a video of a stray kitty who decided to visit “Code Four”…I mean, my Secret Garden.
Nothing is off limits.
The cameras record ME…going out to get my daily newspaper at the first light of sunrise, dressed in my bath robe, floral caftan and flip-flops….Ok, it is not a caftan, it is more like a muu-muu!! 🙁 !!!!
… my bad case of bed-head sticking out in odd shaped clusters, is there for all to see, and believe me when I tell you the images are very clear.
And the notification goes out…ding ding ding!!!!!
You see, my IPhone makes a little “ding” to notify me of motion at “Code One”…
OR…there could be another “ding” of motion at “Code Two”, when mysteriously, my garage door opens and an SUV with me (clearly visible) at the wheel, exits the garage and driveway.
Of course there is a recording and notification of when I return with the contents inside my car also visible.
Uh huh!
Are you getting it now???
I find myself wearing dark glasses and a hat attempting to cover my identity….I mean, do all my comings and goings have to be recorded????
I guess so, until, the Captain works out a less sensitized system, which I am sure he will.
I am almost positive, that he does not care how many times I enter or leave our home…
…Or does he??
Have a great and blessed day…and try to look your best, these days, one never knows when one is on camera. 🙂
A dear friend sent this comment:
OH MY! And the way I was walking around the house this morning
I sure wouldn’t want it on camera.
Love you you sweet lady
How funny Carolyn….My mother would say “I told you to always wear your bathrobe” hahahaha!!! Thanks for stopping by. Hugs
Hilarious!!!!!! You are too funny! Gecko in Sector 3 wearing sunglasses and a hat!
thanks Jane…. and I have been working on my secret codes……
…..”dogs barking, can’t fly without umbrella”…. (Remember the Terry Doolittle quote from the movie Jumping Jack Flash)