Sometimes you just know it is time to take action.
You know when you open that certain cabinet and the items in that cabinet sort of quietly says something like…”
….”I really need to be straightened up a bit.”
But you ignore it because you have to finish preparing dinner!
….or you are in the middle of watching a re-run of the 2008 Kansas Jayhawk basketball team winning the National Championship title on TV…
…..or the trash needs to be put out before the Waste Management trucks come by and you know what happens when you miss that truck!
But we won’t go there.
Yep, uh huh…
So you smile sweetly at the disheveled napkins and assure them you will tidy them up another time.
……..“When I have more time to devote to you pretty little things, you promise them.”
You then shut the door because out of sight is out of mind.
Right?…… until the next time you open the cabinet
… and you see the red napkins are beginning to hug up to the green napkins and the blue napkins have taken to hanging out all over the florals along with the bandana napkins who seem to think they belong with all of them….rough and tough cowboys that they are.
It is as if there is a party going on in that cabinet when the lights are out and the doors are closed.
I think they jump around in the cabinet mixing and matching all over the shelves.
Just sayin’
However…there comes a time when “IT” happens.
You open the cabinet to see if there is a mint green napkin to go with your summer tablescape of pink and green melamine plates.
And you heave a big sigh!
Today, there is time and this task can wait no longer.
Soooooo I am pulling everyone of those napkins out of the cabinet and starting all over.
“You will be neat and orderly, I tell them.”
“All you shades of purple, shape up and stay together!”
“Same goes for you shades of pinks.”
My dear readers, I have another confession to make….I have collected linen napkins for more years than I care to remember.
I have napkins that I bought in the last year of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency.
I’m sure I was very young and they were for my HOPE Chest.
I know…:( …..I may need an intervention.
Please tell me that you also have cabinets that you shut the door on with promises of a tidy up another time.
So if you will excuse me, I must get busy and finish my task.
Have a great day and a Blessed week.
😂 So cute Kari! I hope my napkins didn’t hear this, they have been throwing quite a party too!
I finally have SOME order to my linens. I emphasize the word some. I can’t fit them all in one place though which means I forget in between where such and such is.😀
LOL Nancy…I hear ya on the …where did I put that? As it happens to me all the time. The good news is when I find it…I feel like it is Christmas all over again. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs