my dear and sweet prayer warriors!
I had my surgery on the 13th…and it was every bit of 10 hours i am told.
i know you are anxious to hear, and if i can give you the highlights,….. i promise i will fill you in on every detail later. I am still pretty weak, but because you have been so faithful to me, I owe you the same. It was such good news when my Dr came in and said “we got it all”. Later I will send you pictures in detail of the Whipple procedure. (just a drawing…)
i have a surgical cut from the left side of my body under my rib cage that extends to the right side of my body. She removed my Gall Bladder, part of my Pancreas containing the cancer, part of my intestine, and i was told that is is one of the most complicated and major surgeries one could have. i thank God for guiding the surgeons hands as I understand there were many surgeons in the operating room.
The Dr sent me home from Tampa yesterday afternoon….one week to the day!! she removed two drain tubes from my tummy area but left the gastric feeding tube. God enabled me to be ambulatory the day after surgery, and yes it did hurt a lot to walk.
The doctor said it is a miracle that i am progressing so well….but we know, don’t we…the power of prayer.
the captain has been so helpful and this is all very new to him so it can be very frustrating having to take care of my every need….embarrassing too!! (too many complications) lol
our insurance allows for nurses to come in every day for the next 7 days….
Praise God for bringing me through this cancer free. i never doubted that He would Leave me nor forsake me.
more to come.
love and hugs and blessings always
Thank God! I am so thrilled that God was with you every step of the way!
Stay strong! Praying for recovery to go well! Hugs!
Wow! This is amazing to hear! I do hope that you are feeling back to yourself, soon!
What incredible and uplifting news to hear during this time of crisis! I have been so worried that your surgery was going to be impacted by the Corona virus, I am ecstatic to hear that you were able to have it and that it is a success 🎈🎈🎈 Continue to be brave and strong as you heal dear Kari!!
I was afraid they would cancel the surgery due to the virus. Praise to our most gracious Heavenly Father for guiding your surgeons and bringing you through the complicated surgery.Such wonderful news.
Kari, you are such an example and have been courageous and strong in your faith as well as all the treatments and now the recuperation from the surgery. I can not imagine the pain walking after the surgery. Your sweet husband has also been so faithful. That is a huge blessing.
Please know I have thought of you and prayed for you so much and will continue.
God is so good. I am praising and thanking him for taking care of you. He is faithful and loves you so much.
Kari, Thank God. I jumped with delight when I saw there was an email from you as I knew that was a good sign. I am so happy for you. I know there is a path of adjustment ahead to a new normal and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. God is with you. You are one strong woman. Lots of love and prayers from Ireland. Philip and I are well TG.
Dearest Kari, God is so good! What a blessing that you have had a successful surgery! My continued prayers for you and Tom as you recover. Truly, you are such a blessing to all of us and a wonderful example of courage and faith. Sending love and prayers, always,
Praise God for He is good! Kari, may you continue to heal and get your strength back.
Praise the Lord. God is still performing miracles. What a great time to hear this news while we are all afraid of the pandemic. But I am trusting the Lord in this too.
Kari…..God is Great, thanks to the almighty in your time of need! So glad surgery was successful. Blessings!
Oh how brave you are Kari and how strong you are to keep your faith and love. Stay strong honey as you are much loved.
Sending you my love and mega hugs to you and your Captain xx
Dear Kari,
Can you hear me singing the Hallelujah Corus? Well you wouldn’t want to but I’d love to hear you sing it. And Hallelujah I know I will! What a bright spot in this dark time. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”
I just can’t stop singing…besides theres now one to hear me…lol.
Still praying for a speedy recovery. Donna
Sweet Kari… God Bless you..And yes the power of prayer is amazing and huge. GOD has you in his hands. Love and miss yoy
My heart is overflowing with joy and gratitude as I read your brave and courageous journey. God is so good and I am so thankful.
Your testimony to faith, love, goodness and gratitude are a guiding light to me and I am thankful to have you in my life.
Prayers for continue healing, strength, and to that sweet, sweet man of yours too!
Dear Kari,
I knew you must be home when you responded to my e-card, but I thought you might have had to cancel your surgery do to the corona virus. So glad to know you had the surgery and they got all the cancer. What a miracle! God had to guide the surgeons hands in this process. Thank the Lord for his blessings!
Get stronger dear Kari.
We’ll pray for both you and the Captain to get through all of this. What a man he is! It’s got to be tough for him because men are not natural nurturers like women are. He has been great through this trauma, and he’ll have to continue to be. I have no doubt he’ll come through for you.
Love you sweetie,
Sandy and Ron
You must’ve heard my thoughts. Just last night and this morning I was thinking of you and hoping to hear back about the surgery. So happy for you!
So glad that they were able to get all of the cancer and you’re able to be back home.
You and Tom are amazing! Take this time to heal and get rest. Keep us updated as usual.
Much love to both of you,
Tears came to my eyes as I read this latest news about your progress. What an amazing and loving God we have! I know there are still hurdles for you to conquer so my prayers for you will continue. I look forward to the time when this will be a memory and you will have a new “normal” for your life.
Wonderful news! The power of prayer is mighty and our Elohim is gracious to answer prayer.
Joyous news, brought tears to my eyes!
Thank you, God!! Oh my goodness, I have been waiting and wondering each day of your progress, especially knowing the circumstances of the pandemic. Kari, I am so grateful for your auccessful operation, your miraculously quick discharge and your prognosis. God answers our prayers! Continued prayers for complete healing!
Oh Kari, that’s just some wonderful news. I know you’re glad to be home. Still praying for you.
What wonderful news! God is so good!!!
Love and hugs to you~ ❤️
Oh my Dear Lord!! This news brought tears to my eyes!! He is so good! Your faith gave you and Tom the strength and courage to endure and He heard all our prayers. I am so so glad Kari. I will thank Him and pray for your speedy and complete recovery from your surgery
Praise to His lovely Name!
Chills and goosebumps reading this.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Tears of joy are flowing because of all that God has done. Kari, what a miraculous surgery and journey, and just like you said God has been by your side every step of the way. Oh how He cares for us. I am praying for a complete recovery. Not only has our loving Father been by your side, but your Captain has faithfully been there to provide tender loving care. I rejoice over this wonderful news and you are in my thoughts and prayers sweet friend. To God be the glory!
So happy to hear the good news Kari 🥰I have been waiting anxiously & praying 🙏 I pray you will be returned to full health soon ~ It sounds like quite a journey ~ ♥️Marie B