I call these corny corn fritters because they are chocked full of corn.
I love corn!
Ok…my secret is out! 😉
I really like corn and I really like using left-over corn for this recipe.
Most of the time, there are no corn left-overs at our house. Just sayin’
Fresh corn is my corn of choice.
The wonderful roasting ears that I purchase from our local Farmer’s Market.
A local Bar-B-Q restaurant here in Florida serves these little corn fritters along with their smoked Ribs and Chicken… and they are delicious!
I like to serve corn fritters with almost anything…Fresh Fish is great “with” corn fritters.
I like to plan a “Fish Fry Dinner” of freshly caught fish (again from our local Fish Monger) …and use corny corn fritters as a side, along with a cole slaw salad and either baked sweet potatoes or french fried.
There is just nothing like fresh, is there?
The Captain really likes sweet potato fries and I have to admit, I like them too! along with Corn Fritters of course! 😉
Corn fritters go real well with blackened fish, broiled fish and of course deep fried fish.
We live in Florida after all…..we better like seafood!
That doesn’t mean we have eliminated beef, pork or chicken from our menu.
There are cattle ranches and hog farms in Florida.
… and there are Chicken Farms where you can get fresh eggs as well as poultry for cooking.
We aren’t all Sunshine and Beaches….:)
There is nothing quite like farm fresh eggs…the yoks are richer and have the most wonderful golden color.
Are you hungry yet?
Try these corn fritters no matter what type of meal you make….be it fish, Bar-B-Q beef, pork or chicken!
OR make these corny corn fritters a meal all by themselves! 🙂
Hey, they are good eatin’
I think you will like them!

- 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 1 egg, separated
- 3/4 cup frozen corn, thawed
- Oil for deep-fat frying
- Preheat oil to 365 degrees.
- In a bowl, combine the flour, salt, baking powder and paprika.
- In another bowl, beat egg yolk; stir in corn.
- Add to flour mixture and mix well.
- Beat egg white until soft peaks form; fold into flour mixture.
- In a deep-fat fryer, heat oil to 375°.
- Drop batter by heaping tablespoonfuls into oil; fry for 3-4 minutes or until golden brown.
- Drain on paper towels. .
- These are so good...they are a lot like the ones the Captain and I like from a famous Bar B Q restaurant here in Florida.
- You may double the recipe for more Corn Fritters.This recipe makes 2-4 depending on the size of your tablespoon, or if you are using an ice cream scoop...the size of your scoop.
- If batter appears to thick, you can add a small amount of milk. (remember small amount) .
- Add a few drops of Tabasco for extra zip. If you have corn on the cob, you can cut the corn off the cob and use that. It is good no matter how you make the corn. YUM!
- Try this easy recipe and I am sure you will make it a family favorite.
Sandy, I could eat roasting ears every day…yummy
Hubby loves corn, too, and Tabasco sauce. lol