Happy Easter!
I hope this Easter Sunday finds you all well and your Easter Dinner either in the oven or if you are eating out, you are enjoying good food and fellowship!
Blessings to all!
Christmas is glorious
Of its Holy Gift we sing
Of a manger and Baby
Our blessed newborn King
Thanksgiving is so grand
Our thanks to God we give
For His unending bounty
Gracing each day we live
Valentines Day is romance
Filled with happiness and love,
Love from family and spouse
Love from our Creator above
But there is one holiday
That rises above them all
Rewarding each one of us
Whether strong, weak or small
Of all of God’s gifts
Easter shows us our fate
Forgiven we will rise
And pass through Heaven’s gate
This Easter remember
The sacrifice of a Son
And through His resurrection
Eternal life we have won!
Have a safe and Happy Easter my Blogger friends and family!
Your blog is so appropriate. We are definitely blessed.
Yes, Sandy indeed we all are …
Happy Easter to you and the Captain:)
Thanks Candis….A special Blessing to you and yours! 🙂
Me N’ the Captain!