10 Health Questions…
My dear Readers….we are all concerned with Healthy eating and generally taking care of our health. Right?
Well, speaking for myself, for the most part I try to eat healthy.
However, if I am really craving a hot fudge sundae…you can bet I am going to have a hot fundge sundae. 🙂
As we have all learned….moderation is always the key!
If you have health related questions, I certainly hope you will ask your Doctor and I believe most of us would do just that.
These Health questions and responses were sent to me, so I am just the messenger….I have not verified the responses.
I am just giving you food for thought….:) Literally, as this pretty much involves food….sort of…..:) With some water data thrown in. 🙂
There are links included with each response that will allow you to investigate any of the subjects further.
Please do so, if there is a particular question you are most interested.
So proceed if you would like to see the questions and responses that were forwarded to me by a friend.
She was wanting the WORD to get out….or at least an alert so research is definitely in order.
Questions are below:
Do sugary soft drinks lead to diabetes?
Do I need sunscreen with more than 30 SPF
Is the MSG in Chinese likely to give you a headache?
Do nuts make you fat?
Is walking as effective as running?
Is drinking fruit juice as good for you as eating fruit?
Are all wheat breads better for you than white bread?
Have a great Saturday!
The Royals are playing this afternoon and they are really doing well. 🙂
Kansas City Royals Baseball.
I am still the sports fan…..
It is raining here….again!
Sandy says
Hi Kari,
This is good information. It’s raining here, too. I woke up with a horrible headache as well.
Kari says
We can never be too enlightened can we Sandy?
Thanks for stopping by…