I Did! Did You?
Yes, I did….and the Captain did too!
It is the first Tuesday of the month of November and a day for voting.
Yes, today is Election Day!
The Captain and I voted early, which is such a wonderful convenience and privilege for those who are not able to get to the polls on election day.
All elections are important as it is our right to cast a vote for the candidate(s) of our choice.
Below is a comment by one of the commentators discussing voting and not voting.
Commentator, Deborah Bass: “People who do not vote tend to be the biggest critics of government and the country – if you choose not to vote – then keep your opinions to yourself – because the BEST opinion you can voice is at the voting booth.”
I know we have heard this over and over each election day…but it is important for each citizen to vote in every election.
If we study our history, we see the struggles and sacrifices our forefathers endured to give us the right to vote in America.
15th Amendment: Race No Bar to Vote
Ratified by states & took effect: 2/3/1870
19th Amendment: Women’s Suffrage
Ratified & took effect: 8/18/1920
26th Amendment: Voting Age
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of age.
Passed by Congress: 3/23/1971
Ratified & went into effect: 7/1/1971
And another added bonus to voting….it means we don’t have to put up with all these signs!
Here in Florida, the signs have to be removed within one week after the election. 🙂
My dear readers….Did you vote?
God Bless America!
I hope Ron gets to feeling better real soon Sandy.
Take care…
Ron is sick and on antibiotics, but as soon as I get my shower I’ll be going to vote, Kari.