Scuba Scooby Doo!
For those of you who have followed me from the beginning on my Blog…you will remember my post about our “Pool Boy”.
If you missed it and would like to read about a silly old woman waiting for the first encounter of the pool tech…click on the link below. 🙂
Well, as it is with most things….”things” either need parts after a time or they break down completely.
Lately, the Captain and I have encountered a few of these “breaking down thing-eys”.
- First, one of the cars started having a “burnt oil smell” and of course, it needed several hundred dollars worth of work. (oil pan seal, etc)
- Then the hot water heater started leaking…and yes, we needed a new hot water heater.
- AND then the unthinkable happened…the beautiful blue uniforms of the Kansas Jayhawks College Basketball team started turning kelly green on the television!
Yep! the Captain said the old television was a goner and we needed a new one…which was a good thing because I don’t know how much longer I could watch the Jayhawks play in green uniforms….which, as an FYI…they won their game last night. 🙂 Rock Chalk Jayhawks!
But I digress…..the point of this narrative is…Last week, the swimming pool started losing water.
So how does one check for leaks in a swimming pool?
One hires a scuba diver!
Well, the Pool Company we hired to do weekly maintenance,… keeps certified divers on staff and they dive a pool in search of leaks using leak detectors….AND they charge a $300.00 fee, just for the opportunity to dive in one’s pool. 🙂

In the shallow end of the pool, checking for leaks in the intake/outtake valves …or whatever they call them.
Enter Lloyd Bridges…(not his real name)… stage left.I never thought I would be watching a scuba diver in my swimming pool!
Yes, Lloyd Bridges did find a leak in the main drain at the bottom of the pool…
And for a few dollars more….(think $$$)…he “patched” the leak, and replaced the “flipper motor” on the Spa…just for good measure. 🙂
Oh, and yesterday, the built in microwave started humming a tune that I don’t recognize….all the while forgetting to “heat up the tea”, Silly Microwave!
But never fear, I have a little cheapee (think $39.00 from Wal-Mart) microwave that we have sitting in the outdoor kitchen on the Lanai.
Oh well, it gives me an excuse to relax on the Lanai!
Someone has to watch to be sure the pool is no longer leaking! 🙂
Have you ever had “things” fall apart at about the same time?
Have a great and Blessed day my dear readers.
How funny Ross!
No, but that “giant” waterfall is on the schedule of the pool company…(Sno-Birds are not only taking up restaurants and roads but “repair people” too!) 😉
I will be sure to post that repair for sure. I would love to see the “diver” in that one! hahaha!
thanks for stopping by.
Hi Kari, sounds like the perfect afternoon…watching the pool boy, shame about the spate of things going on the fritz…. did you get the leak in the water fixture fixed too? Or did I miss the rock climbing blog?
Thanks Sandy…for your faithfulness. What a dear friend you are.
We are planning on coming your way soon…I will call/email you with details…lets have lunch! ;).
Thanks for stopping by.
LOL They always happen in three’s, or four in your case, Kari. A fun post.
Actually five’s…in our case Sandy! 🙂 Car, hot water heater,television, pool and now the microwave….but who is counting?