Winter Weddings….And The Color Purple!
Recently the Captain and I attended the wedding of our First Grandson.…yes, we are that old! ;(
The wedding was held in Kansas and this time of year in Kansas, it is C-O-L-D….I mean really cold.
The bitter wind made the cold even colder.
Most days the wind chill was below zero!
Only Daughter had cautioned me on leaving the flip-flops, Hawaiian shirts, sleeveless blouses and capri pants in Florida and bringing heavy socks, boots, gloves, coats and ski caps.
Each time I went from car to hotel room or restaurant or family home….I looked like the Michelin Man…. AND I was still cold!
I was so happy to attend the wedding of First Grandson…..I was willing to sacrifice the warm Florida weather for the frozen tundra of Kansas in the middle of Winter.
Not that I would be an “I told you so” kind of person….or a person who constantly reminds one of the sacrifices made to attend said wedding…but I also proved my love for First Grandson by actually missing two Jayhawk Basketball games….One on Saturday, (we won)…and another game on Monday….which we lost.
Most likely we lost because I never miss a game…and I missed two in a row….Saturday, the day of the wedding and Monday, the day the Captain and I flew back to Florida 🙁
But I would never say anything…or would I? 🙂
I think I only mentioned it once or twice….or perhaps a couple more times.
My excuse for mentioning basketball was that the groom and the bride went to Kansas State …..supporting the arch rival of my team, which my followers know is Kansas University!
Yep, they went to K-State and the color purple was everywhere!
AND to show you what a great sense of humor First Grandson has….he sent me the following text, knowing we would be on a plane while KU and K-State played basketball….and sadly, that was the game we lost.
And I quote: “Now, if you did miss the game last night, aren’t you glad?”
See? He wanted to spare me the embarrassment of watching the loss….
Isn’t he the greatest grandson?
Seriously, It was a beautiful wedding.
The Bride was beautiful and the Groom was handsome….and I was dressed warmly! 🙂
However, I am picturing future wedding anniversaries, trudging through snow drifts with Rudolph red noses, for that special movie and dinner out!!
Well, they say True love is blind and apparently very warm blooded.
Do you remember the song…”I’ve got My Love To Keep You Warm”….below are a few of the lyrics.
But I can weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I’ve got my love to keep me warm
Just watch those icicles form
What do I care if icicles form
I’ve got my love to keep me warm
I need no overcoat, I’m burning with love
My heart’s on fire, the flame grows higher
What do I care how much it may storm
I’ve got my love to keep me warm
So the happy couple are definitely warm as they enter this new journey together.
And they have the blessing of the Captain and Me. 🙂
Did any of you my dear readers, have a Winter Wedding?
The Captain and I were married in June and we only had rain to contend with!!!!! 🙂
I felt even worse when I saw the court storming and Coach Bill Self knocked up against the scorer table and Jamari Traylor shoved/slammed/pushed by a KState fan.(Traylor showed class by not reacting)
Something needs to be done about this before someone really gets hurt. The fans need to wait until the opposing team leaves the court before they empty the stadium onto the floor. You hear about these “mob” things all the time where someone gets trampled, etc.
Definitely out of hand…and the “F” word being flagrantly thrown about in reference to KU and directly at Coach Bill Self …just shows the unsportsmanlike conduct of unruly and disrespectful fans.
I am proud to say that KU does not allow court storming…of course we have only lost 9 games in 12 seasons at Allen Fieldhouse so when we win, it is usually just another win and not something monumental that would require storming a court.
thanks for stopping by and letting me have my say…:)
Kari, I was married in August, and I would never ever have a winter wedding. lol Beautiful pictures! I watched the KU/K-State game, and I felt so bad for the boys.