Brer Rabbit: Doggone ol’ Briar Patch! Doggone place like this. Doggone…, Sometimes my dear readers, Change is difficult.
Can we talk? Perhaps you have noticed there are a few changes on my website…..Change is definitely brewing at Me and My Captain !
I was tiring of a few things on my site after 3 years, and one can add just so many widgets, plugins, thing-a-ma-jigs and ching-ga-dare-a’s until one begins to suffer widget overload!
I am hoping my site will not only be a little more softer on the eyes, but also be a little easier to navigate through, not only for you but for me too!
Believe me when I say that I am learning to do a few things a little differently.
Definite understatement!
It sounded simple at the time.
When I made the change, I thought I lost a few past posts, etc. But I have been told by the originators of this new theme that all content is still there, it just needs to be looked at under a new heading or a new heading needs to be added.
For the record my friends, no matter what it looks like today, I am not changing content.
I will still tell stories over the hedge, (just between you and me)….:)
……..and I will still have recipes….
…….and I will still have before and afters, with all kinds of decorating tips and of course tablescapes, I could never give up playing with dishes!
Please tell me if what you are seeing is something you like or if there are elusive posts or recipes that you want to look at and can’t locate. We can find them together! 🙂
I am always up for feedback of any kind, in fact I look forward to your comments.
As I said, I am still making changes and learning to navigate through all kinds of “stuff” as this is a learning curve for me.
So if you will bear with this over-60-something, great-grandmother as she learns new tips and tricks with a new Blog theme, I will very much appreciate it.
A little over 3 years ago, in my very first post,… I explained that at age 55, my flight instructor told me if Aunt Bea (Andy Griffith Show) could learn to fly an airplane, so could I ….and I did learn to fly a Cessna 172 airplane!
It is one of my bucket list accomplishments. If I can fly an airplane, this new blog theme should be a piece of cake, shouldn’t it?
Br’er Bear: You said this was a Laughing Place. And I ain’t laughing.
Brer Rabbit: I didn’t say it was your Laughing Place, I said it was *my* Laughing Place, Br’er Bear.
Have a great Day!
Please comment, I'd love to hear from you.