I grew up in a very small town.
Read less than 300 people.
You know the place where every one knows your name and what you had for breakfast kind of town.
The place where you walked to the downtown, which consisted of one block and a half before the houses took over both sides of the street.
The place where the Christmas decorations were one wimpy strand of green garland wound around each of the four lamp posts.
Not much glitter and glam unless you count the red and green neon signs that plastered the windows of the pool hall/bar on the corner.
I loved bringing home the red and green garland rings of construction paper that I made at school and stringing them on the tree.
I love Christmas.
Perhaps that is why I love to do Christmas tablescapes.
Below is a tablescape that I set up last year, right now I am fighting the flu that is going around and am not having the energy to decorate a new tablescape.
So take a look at one of my favorites from last year…A Pewter and Plaid Christmas tablescape.
A Pewter And Plaid Christmas Tablescape was such a fun one to put together and if you saw pics of our Christmas Open House, you caught a glimpse of it.
Since our Christmas Open House was not a sit down affair…but a buffet table set up in the Secret Garden for finger foods, my Pewter and Plaid tablescape was just another Christmas vignette. I had to laugh later because I am sure a few of our guests looked at the table set for four and wondered how 50 people were going to get to eat. 🙂
But I digress…
I love plaid, and the tartan dinner plates and dessert plates give off a very rustic, perhaps fox-hunt/Tavern kind of vibe to me.
This tablescape, I used pewter colored stags…or you can call them deer. I think stag relates more to the tavern thing I have going on. Then on each side of a rustic pewter- looking lantern, I paired them with antler sheds to carry out my theme.
The plaid dinner plates are Pacific Rim and I love the green that runs through the plaid pattern. The plaid dinner plates are sitting on rustic/woodsy rattan chargers which I sat on chippy white chargers. I love layering plates.
I topped the rattan chargers with a red and white salad plate and that is topped with the plaid dessert plate. The individual Acorn soup tureens complete the stack of plates, which I like to do at each table setting.
I love the 4 different scenes on the heritage salad plates.
Ok, the woody car probably shouldn’t be on this particular tablescape, but I couldn’t resist putting it on the table.
I do have 4 of the Santa sleigh pulled by two reindeer salad plates…but why not a bit of whimsey?
The flatware is silver twig/stick looking and the ruby water glasses can be used for wine if desired.
The plaid napkins are secured with silver deer napkin rings found here. Aren’t they cute?
The below pic was taken in the evening to show the lantern lit up and probably more indicative of a tavern like feel of little natural light.
For the centerpiece, I sat the lantern on a plaid table runner and placed greenery in and among the stags.
I do confess that I like the look of the pewter mugs with the ivory colored glass inserts. Makes a more colonial tavern feel.
Pine cones and brown and cream Christmas ornaments compliment the rustic look.
….. and there is something warm and cozy about the bread tray, even though it sports (pun intended) pine cones instead of bread.
How could one not love that?
Lastly, I placed a Charley Brown Christmas tree (sad tree with one red ornament) on the table. The tree base is wrapped in a piece of plaid fabric. I always have a Charley Brown Tree, just as I always watch a Charley Brown Christmas along with all my favorite Christmas movies during the Holiday season.
Supposedly, my pewter pieces were cast at an 1892 foundry along the Susquehanna River called Susquehanna Castings in Pennsylvania.
However, I really was not interested in them for that reason. You see, the Captain’s mother collected pewter pieces and it brings back fond memories for him and that is good enough for me.
With my romantic imagination, I can picture Williamsburg colonials bursting into a tavern after hunting for food….proudly displaying their catch of pheasants or grouse slung over their shoulders and being served ale in pewter tankards!
Oh, and no! I would not necessarily welcome the Captain along with his hunting catch of fowl in my dining room, …
…….but remember, I am the eternal romanticist and can overlook the negative side to this scenerio.
So, come on now my dear readers…roll with me on this one.
Just imagine a tavern full of robust hunters drinking out of those “cute” little pewter cups with ivory inserts, and sitting down to a meal served on those tartan plates. 🙂
Perhaps even Paul Revere, who is best known for his midnight ride….. I don’t remember all of the poem, although I believe I memorized it in school but it went something like this:
Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm.
Oops! I did a “Wiki” on Mr. Revere and… Paul Revere was an American silversmith, engraver, and a Patriot in the American Revolution. He was born in 1735 and died in 1818, so my pewter apparently came long after,….. like 75-100 years after his historic ride. Oh well!
But that is what comes to my mind when I think of pewter pieces, etc.
Just as an aside, I found a candle trimmer and small creamer of the same style on Ebay, so I am pretty satisfied with myself.
That completes my Pewter and Plaid tablescape…I will have more for you before Christmas.
I have a source list at the end of this post of the pieces that make up this tablescape.
Blessings to all!
Source List:
Plaid table runner and napkins – Marshalls, a couple years ago
Acorn soup tureens – Pier 1 last year, but I saw they had them this year too.
Pacific Rim Plaid dinner plates and dessert plates – EBAY last year
Animal red white salad plates – BH&G Heritage Collection, On-line Wal-Mart last year and they are still available
Silver stick flatware – Pier 1 last year
Silver deer napkin rings – Amazon
Two rustic sitting Stags – Old Time Pottery
Antler sheds – EBAY
Rustic Lantern – Decor Steals
Ruby Glasses – Wal-Mart
Charley Brown Christmas Tree – Michael’s about 5 years ago, I added the red ornament.
Pewter – EBAY
It looks just so lovely Kari. I’m laughing as I’m sure your open house guests were all wondering who the favored two were that would be joining you for the meal at that beautiful table… and wondering why it wasn’t them!
Much love to you and your lovely Captain.
Merry Christmas and have an amazing 2018
Ross xx