We are doing something a little different on Celebrate Your Story Link Party, starting this week.
Chloe, Benita and I have decided to post each of our three favorite posts from the previous week’s link party.
In our past link party, we each chose one favorite and posted them all three, plus the most popularly clicked on link.
Wanting to kick it up a notch, we decided to have each of us choose 3 of our favorites and join forces with the most clicked on link to post together.
This will give exposure to more readers and bloggers with more of a chance to be seen.
So let’s see how this new format goes.
My first choice comes from Debbee of Debbee’s Buzz.
I love her Presidents Day Tablescape with the adorable Byers figurines.
In fact, I have the same dinnerware that I used several years ago (see here for My Patriotic Tablescape) and wouldn’t these figures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln look good with my dinnerware set?
To Debbee: “I love your inspiration Debbee and your drummer boys are adorable too. Thank you!”
My second choice is from Jenna at The Painted Apron:
Jenna is so talented, because not only can she set a pretty table, she is an artist too.
Oh, how I envy her talent with paper and paint.
Somehow, my attempts at drawing look like a first grader. 🙁
To Jenna: “Is there any hope for a wanna be artist with no talent for drawing stick figures?”
My last, but certainly not least third link party choice is from Julie at My Wee Abode.
Julie started a “Sunday Be Stills” series with free printables….and I say, Be still my heart because it is a wonderful expression of God’s love, plus she provides a printable for the current week’s thoughts.
To Julie: “I love Matthew 10:33 and have posted my faith on numerous occasions as many of my readers are aware. Thank you for your boldness too”.
And the most clicked on post from last week?
Lori from Dining Delight Blogspot’s Valentine’s Day Luncheon.
Her pretty decor is so inspirational, it makes me sad that Valentine’s Day has come and gone.
If you would like to join our link party it is so easy to link up.
Choose one or all of us to add your favorite link up post, and we each will choose three favorites, plus the most clicked on post from the last week.
Please check out Chloe at Celebrate & Decorate and Benita at Chasing Quaintness for their three favorites from last week’s link party.
○ A link back to us is NOT mandatory.
○ You can link up 3 posts: Home decor, Tablescapes, Gardening, Recipes and more!
○ Etsy | Amazon | Link Parties are not allowed and will be deleted.
○ Please visit your fellow linkups and leave them a comment. Don’t link and run!
○ You are granting us permission to use photo(s) on social media for promotional purposes.
And don’t forget to add your link to our link party for next week;
Blessings Always

Kari, sorry I missed this last week. I was mostly AWOL from blogging activity with Fibber sick and other family issues. I’m actually on a little ski vacation right now that was planned months ago and discovered the change in the link party format. Was so surprised and delight to see my Abe and George table feaured. Thanks so very much!
Your Abe and George was adorable Debbee. So sorry to hear of your issues….hope all have passed over and things are much better now. Give Fibber a hug from me and Jesse James.
Thank you so much for hosting another party. I brought our favorite vegetable dish today. Have a lovely week. https://www.kocinadepinay.com
Thank you so much MarEliz for linking up, it is readers/bloggers like you who keep us going. 🙂 I LOVE pineapple upside down cake.
Fabulous choices my friend! Thanks for hosting this fun link up Party!
I am thrilled to see Jenna from The Painted Apron featured! I follow her. She not only has fabulous recipes but amazing tablescapes and her phenomenal artwork is incredible.
I thought I commented earlier but the comment disappeared. If I commented twice… it’s only because I enjoy all your choices and the other hostesses choices each week! Thanks for hosting this great party! 😊
thank you Nancy for your faithfulness each and every week.
The choices were great! I really enjoyed every single choice and the most clicked on link was such a delight to see. Her Valentine Luncheon was fabulous!
I follow Kari at The Painted Apron and she is amazing. Recipes galore, tablescapes and her art is phenomenal! I am so glad she was one of your faves.
Have a fabulous week my friend!
thanks again for your double comment…LOL! I am sending back double the love. Hugs my friend
Okay… I LOVE this new format… and I love that the other hostesses are being linked up on each of your sites, too. But mostly, I love your sweet little note to each of the bloggers you featured! I may have to steal that, Kari! 😉 Truly unique and makes me feel amazingly special! Praise God for your friendship… and HIS love! 😉
thank you Julie, I just wanted to make sure each blogger felt special…because she is! Thank you and steal away, I’m flattered.
Thanks so much for hosting Kari!
our pleasure dear friend.
Thanks so much for hosting each week!
no, thank you Debbie.
Oh Kari, thank you!!! I am thrilled to have my Valentine’s table featured, I had so much fun doing that one! Yes there is hope for you as an artist, you just have to pick up a pencil and begin! Thank you so much for hosting and thank you for the party!
awwww shucks ma’am…you are too kind.