Ok, dear friends, I told you I would give you part 2 of our last week end.
The Captain and I have so many irons in the fire that the cows are having problem keeping up.
Sorry, that is a ranching joke from our days on the ranch.
As you know, The Captain flies Corporate Jets as his day job.
He flies the rich and famous and no, he doesn’t fly me because I am not rich nor am I famous. LOL
I know, right?
His hours are so cool.
Excuse me, but Jesse James thought he needed to bee photographed too. (see below)
The Captain flies for 7 days and then he is home for 7 days.
You can do the math and see that he only flies for 6 months of the year….and it is even less than that because he also gets a three week vacation which he sandwiches one of the weeks in between his 7 work days and his 7 off days.
Are you getting the picture?
I know……right?
Add to that sweet schedule,…. that he stays where the rich people stay…each night in fancy hotels in wonderful place3s such as St. Martin or Cabo San Lucas.
Ok, enough of that.
I didn’t write this to tell you about the Captain’s working environment.
You see, on his 7 days off time period..being a type A personality, he had to have something to do.
So about 10 years ago, he got his real estate license and we started flipping houses.
This house was the one we made all the mistakes on….the one we “tried” to do ourselves, which by the way we still have as a nice rental property.
I have spoken about this before and have shown you a few of our flips. (see here)
The above house can be seen in detail here. This was one of the flips in the Cape.
We started flipping houses here in the Cape and the houses were in the 200-300 thousand price range.
The above pic was our second and I used wood stained cabinets. See Here.
This house was our last flip in the Cape and I always referred to it as the “Stinky House”…read this and you will see why.
I really enjoyed helping to design and to stage the home when we were finished with all the tear down and remodel.
Fast forward to our present flips which have been in Naples, Miami and Pompano Beach.
These houses are mostly tear downs and rebuilds because of location, location location.
Some, we leave the “outside shell” and remove walls and/or gut the interior.
The house above is in Naples. (See it here)
Pompano Beach House is below.
Last week-end, the Captain said he was going to do an open house on the house in Pompano, which is about 120 miles across the state of Florida to the Atlantic side.
He asked me if I wanted to come along and we would get a hotel and stay the week end.
He had an open house there a couple weeks ago and I elected to stay home, but this time I said yes, let’s do it.
So I am going to show you a few pics of the Pompano house and a few pics of our hotel where I was able to relax and catch up on my reading.
I will be truthful here…I believe the east coast of Florida is too much of a rat race.
It is pretty over there, don’t get me wrong. but it is not laid back like we are on the west coast of Florida.
Frankly, I am not the fast track kind and my idea of wonderful is a slow paced quiet life style and the east coast is definitely the opposite.
Another confession is the style of the Pompano house is just not my style, although I love designing and staging these houses…. because it lets me play with ultra contemporary design without having to live with it in my own home.
So keep that in mind as you view these pics.
This is the kitchen (excuse the Captain getting his paperwork together for the open house).
Plus these pics are from my IPhone.
Isn’t it cool seeing McDonalds sack and coke sitting in a 2.2 million dollar house?
We did have a very nice dinner at a beautiful steak house later, but for a quick lunch….yep! It was Micky D’s….LOL
More of the kitchen and Jesse James photo bombing the picture.
Part of the butler’s pantry.
Master Bathroom…I love the color, agreeable gray by Sherwin Williams and we were able to match it to tiles, etc.
Thee house has two master bedrooms one eon the ground leveel and one on the top level.
The top level has views of the Inter-coastal waterway which leads directly to the Atlantic ocean.
About one block up the canal and one block left in another canal.
5 minutes tops.
Master bedroom is huge with a walk in closet (16X20) and a fireplace that mimics the one downstairs.
The balcony goes across the back of the house.
Our hotel room had a perfect view of the sunrise.
However in the end, I kept clicking my ruby red slippers together and told the Captain….”I wanna go home”!!!
Back to the peaceful west coast of Florida. LOL
Hugs and blessings
I had no idea this was part of your life! WOW! Nice to have a bit of the fast pace for just a bit. Have I told you that my fam lives in W. Melbourne. Not the fast part of the east coast, at all! LOL! 😉 Thanks for sharing, Kari! Did the house sell yet?
It can get pretty hectic Julie…and no I didn’t know about your family living in Florida. And no, the house has not sold yet, but we have a family pretty serious about it.They have looked at it several times. Fingers crossed. hugs
Wow, I had no idea that your captain flipped houses! That is a beautiful one even though I am not a fan of contemporary! I much prefer the west coast of FL. We just returned late today from SanDestin. We went down for a wedding, but the weather was gray and cloudy.
Thanks Pam….yep, this is what we do in the Captain and mine? spare time. LOL
Thank goodness he is still flying for a living, I would never want him to quit his day job.
I think that is why I experiment with the ultra contemporary design and staging on most of the flip houses, I am a traditionalist and I don’t live in those houses. The trend seems to be going contemporary, and believe it or not, Floridians seem to be getting away from a lot of the Spanish influence that set them apart from the rest of the northern states. More and more builders are building new contemporary designed homes here in SW Florida. I have never been a minimalist or thoroughly modern gal, but it gives me a chance to make bold moves, and then go home to my own style.
Oh that Jesse James is an outlaw! He has stolen my heart! LOL It looks like a truly wonderful weekend.
Thanks Laura….He/We think he is human…LOL
How fabulous that you both get to do this together! The styles are quite contemporary and beautiful!
Love, love, love!
Thank you Nancy….it is fun to design and I can then go home to my more traditional home.
Oh what a fun way of spending time with your sweetheart and getting to do something together that you both enjoy! 😊
Kari, that is so cool and so beautiful! I’m trying to talk the hubster into leaving fire investigations and flipping houses. I so desperately want to do this and I know we would love it…and yes, I know it is a major headache trying to schedule contractors and do some of the work yourself, but such a sense of accomplishment when it is all said and done! Love and hugs and happy weekend!!
Thank you Benita…Last night when I did the post I was in such a hurry because the Captain and I were on our way to an event we host monthly at church…it means speaking, telling jokes and we always have entertainment…. so that is my job…
……anyway long story short, I wanted to incorporate a few of our other houses we have flipped, so I just now went in and added a few links. I don’t know if you saw the post with out those links or not, but if you didn’t, take a look as you can see a lot more detailing etc. Our friends said to us “you must be rich working with million dollar houses!” LOL Afraid not, because the price on everything goes up with the cost of the house. In other words, rich people don’t want Home Depot tile….it needs to be imported from Italy, LOL Believe me, I am always thankful for my hubby’s day job of flying, if you know what I mean.
Hugs dear friend.
thanks Marina for your comment. It is so funny because in the beginning, family members said you must make lots of money on those expensive flips. but one doesn’t, because with an expensive house comes expensive expenditures which equals almost the same profit and loss as any other house. For some reason, people that buy expensive houses don’t want Home Depot or Lumber Liquidators flooring. LOL
Thanks for stopping by.
Whoa, Kari, had NO idea this was the Captain’s “hobby”. Wondering if you ever flip condos too? Sign me up for the west coast! I agree with your sentiments on FL east coast.
Have a great weekend.
Yees Rita….he loves to keep busy. We have not flipped condos …yet. LOL Today, I went in and added a few links to the post to show a few of our earlier projects. You will see if you look at them that …it ain’t always easy. LOL
Yay! for the East Coast.