Folks, please forgive me but I would like to re-post this post from several years ago.
Why? Because my pool company recently changed our “pool boy” ….you know, a change in personnel that happens these days. This is the fourth one we have had in the last 9 years.
My Pool Boy…!
Do you remember movies that would play on the fact that an older woman would look longingly at her buff, young pool boy as he cleaned her pool?
Yes, it is stereo-typing. 🙂
The scene usually showed the attractive woman sitting on her pool deck, sipping on a cocktail of some kind…. all the while admiring the Pool boy as he strutted around shirtless showing off his bronzed chest, beaded with sweat and with abs like a Chippendale dancer.
In these movies the woman would have an almost perfect body with beautifully tanned legs that wouldn’t quit…and lets face it, she looked great for her age! (I think the politically correct description term these days is “cougar”)
Of course in the real world….most “cougars” are not quite that perfect. 🙂
This woman would peer over her large, dark glasses (just like Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffanys” movie) as she sipped her drink, …. and occasionally the Pool boy would glance her way.
Flirty, you know.
Ok…I tell you all that to tell you this. 🙂
Shortly after moving to Florida, (over 10 years ago now) …we determined that we needed a pool tech to service our pool.
The pool business in Florida is big business and since almost every other house sports a pool, there are many, many companies to choose from.
(It is actually cheaper to have a weekly person clean your pool than to mess with chemicals and heavy jugs of chlorine.)
So I made the call to several pool cleaning companies to obtain the service and we decided on a company, a pool package and set a start up date.
The first scheduled day for the pool boy to come, I decided I would dress the part of the older lady relaxing by the pool.
Yes, I know I am weird, plus I watch too many romantic movies I’m sure.!
But it was all in fun.
I donned a big floppy hat and large sunglasses and poured myself a glass of lemonade (an adult beverage at 9:00 a.m. is just not my cup of tea….no pun intended!
Also, the Captain might think I needed an “intervention” as he was home working in our home office which is on the court yard side of our home, over looking the pool.
I looked in the mirror at my brand new, Florida-living, one-piece swim suit and it seemed like the cellulite popped out all over my pale-colored hips and thighs.
I could plainly see that I’d been living in Seattle for way too long.
I also noted that my legs weren’t what you would exactly call long and slender.
Actually, just the opposite!
So I improvised and grabbed a pool wrap that looked like a poncho and put it on over my suit.
Sometimes it is sexier to leave “LOTS” to the imagination.
As I twisted and turned, looking at my reflection in the mirror, I thought I looked pretty good…. the lightweight poncho had long fringe that covered my chubby knees and the jiggly parts of my arms…and the further back from the mirror I got…the better I looked.
So I would definitely stay a good distance away from the “pool boy”.
No up close and personal here. 🙂
Of course, this was before my cataract surgery, but I digress.
I mean, what woman …at any age…wouldn’t appreciate a flirty look or two from a pool boy?
Of course it goes without saying…that looking would be the only option. After all, I am a happily married woman….and my Captain is the greatest!
I positioned myself on one of the loungers by my pool and waited for the pool boy to arrive, sipping my lemonade through a straw.
And then, the big double doors to my courtyard opened and “he” walked through the doors carrying a 5 gallon bucket and his body was wrapped all up in hoses and pool equipment.
I called my introduction to him ( I didn’t want to startle him)… but I remained positioned at the far end of the pool.
He mumbled a “hello” as he removed the pool paraphernalia from around his body.
As he looked up from beneath a beat-up straw hat that had seen better days, I could see he was certainly no young Chippendale!
He didn’t have a bare chest either.
His extra-large yellow T-shirt, hid a rounded gut and ended at the top of his knobby knees.
I would later find out that he had knee surgery a few years ago and the result was he sometimes walked with a limp, depending on the weather. He was limping that day.
His face was weathered and sported a scraggly looking beard. It’s true some men look great with the look of a few days of beard growth….well, my pool “boy” just looked tired. 🙂
But you know what?
That was ok because I wasn’t a cougar either.
He has been faithful every week as he shows up and cleans our pool, always doing a good job.
He walks along side the pool with his bowed legs and lumbering gait, very quiet and un-assuming.
These days, I still greet him on pool cleaning day, but dressed in my regular comfy (sloppy) clothes…. and I do have a drink in my hand…but not a drink for me!
I offer him a cold bottle of water, especially on very hot days… and then I leave him to his pool cleaning duties.
“Pool Boys” or techs as they are called… clean a lot of pools in one day and they don’t like to “waste time” chit-chatting with silly women.
As I mentioned above…this is the fourth pool boy we have had.
They are not “boys” and they are nothing like in the movies. LOL
But then, neither am I. 🙂
Fantasy is only in the movies. 🙂
Hugs & Blessings
Keepin’ life real and fun, Kari. I appreciate that in you so much. I got some great visuals as I read your story. 🙂
Rita…I am the eternal optimist and the most die-hard of romantics. Perhaps one day, I will get a pick up line and then I can say…”excuse me? I am a married woman and old enough to be your grandmother!” and then I can smile to myself….and say, you still have it ole girl…..or not. LOL Hugs dear friend.
haha Kari! I can so relate! My pool boy looks like yours! He always wears a beat up straw hat and he is in his 60s…super nice though and actually loves to chat!
movies sure can make things look rosy as if we don”t already know that. None of my pool boys look anything like hunks…but that is ok because they are super nice…unless they are running late/. LOL
LOL…I love it! Fortunately, I married the “pool boy”. I didn’t know him then and he was in New Jersey, but the stories he has me from that summer he was a pool boy are hilarious!! Fantasies are good…they keep us motivated! 🙂 Love and hugs!
You must have one of the movie types….all my pool boys are mostly retired “pool men” who can barely carry a gallon of chlorine in from their truck. LOL
Sigh! I am ever the romantic…..however, my Captain is my knight in shining armor, my haven in the storm so I think he is a keeper! LOL
Kari… This was my morning giggle! Too funny!
Thanks for the giggles! Hugs!
Thanks Nancy….that is what I was trying to accomplish. A way to laugh at ourselves. Thanks my friend. Hugs
Cute story Kari! 😊
Silly story, but all in fun…thanks for stopping by Tammy. 🙂
LOL Real life isn’t quite as good as the movies, Kari.