Hello Sweet and Dear Friends…..Yes, I am back and believe it or not, I have actually set up a Fall tablescape. That is quite an achievement as one of my dining tables was still set up with a pink tablescape for almost a year….LOL!!! Yes, I finally disassembled the pink tablescape which had acquired a thin layer of dust….I can’t believe I am admitting that, ….but I want to be completely transparent.
This Fall table is pretty simple…and the items were easily assembled from my stash.
You have seen the flatware, chargers, salad plates, cloche, cutting board, candles and bittersweet in long ago previous posts. The three little scarecrows, wood dinner plates, table runner and napkins are on line purchases. (one of the first things I (ordered) did when my eyes allowed me to focus on my laptop, just a few weeks ago.) LOL
By the way, again in the ‘being transparent mode’…my home office has become a dumping ground for much of my stash as I haven’t felt like organizing ANYTHING, but as I get stronger and my stamina returns, I find myself wanting to tackle this chore., whereas before I began to feel better, I would just shut the office door. Out of sight, Out of mind and quite frankly, I didn’t care as I was just trying to get better.
God has been so good to me and has brought me through this journey, and I am so greatful for all your wonderful prayers and support during my bout with cancer, chemo and radiation.
Jeremiah 17: 7, 8. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water, that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; ….”
Sweet friends, faith over fear.
I am cancer free and getting stronger each and every day.
I will try to post about once a week…and slowly get back in the groove. I missed a lot of your wonderful posts because I couldn’t focus on reading and I regret that…but I have never stopped thinking and praying for each and every one of you.
A lot has happened with Word Press during my absence….so I am having to relearn the “how to” on a lot of things related to this blog. Add into that, I am trying to use a new phone to take pictures in an effort to “streamline” and make the background work less time consuming.
Until next time, Blessings and hugs and much gratitude for all your prayers and support for me, your fellow blogger and friend.
Blessings Always
Kari (Me)
Praising the Lord with you as your return to “our” community! So excited to see you getting healthy and creating again, Kari!
Good Morning Kari!
Welcome back my dear! My heart overflows with thanksgiving to God for your healing and return to us! You are a testimony to positive thinking and to never ending faith. The love of the Lord is great and your love for Him is like a beacon of light to us all. I have prayed for you and I will continue to! God is good all the time.
So wonderful, just so wonderful.
Blessings and hugs,
Dearest Kari, you are an amazingly strong woman and we are all blessed to know you. I’m so very happy that you are strong enough to do an amazing tablescape and update us again. It does feel that Christmas has come early❤️
I am sending you my warmest hugs for your continued strength and I’m looking forward to your next tablescape especially the Christmas ones.
Hugs from across the pond xx
I’m so sorry that I didn’t know any of this that was going on with you. I’ve lost most of my blog posts for those that I followed. So very thankful God has brought you through this valley and that you are on the mend. Prayers for a complete recovery for you!!!
It is so great to have you back on your blog! With this year being so depressing, it’s nice to have something fun and creative to look forward to again!!
Your tablescape is adorable. You have such a wide variety to choose from, it must take hours to decide which plates and accessories to use. It’s also good to see you using your creative side again, after having it be dormant for so long. And, just in time for the true holiday season.
With all that you’ve been through this past year and a half, you’re a true testament to faith and determination. You’re an inspiration and truly blessed.
Please don’t overdo, but keep us updated on your recovery. We are so thankful for you and the captain. God bless you both!
Kari! I have been thinking of you and was so worried! And to hear you are Cancer Free makes me soooo happy! Praise God! Hallelujah!
And this tablescape is absolutely wonderful! I love it all!
So glad you are back!
thanks Nancy….God is so good and HE keeps His Word and Promise. thank you for all your prayers my friend. So glad to be back.
So nice to meet you Kari, and though I didn’t get to share in your struggles, I’m so glad you made it through and are back on your lovely blog! I can’t wait to read more, and also share our Traveling Teacup with you too! Take care my new friend!
Oh Barb, I am so excited to be looking forward to the traveling tea cup. It feels so good to see and feel all the love of my wonderful blogging friends…They have been with me all through this journey. I am so fortunate to have them, and so lucky to acquire you as a new friend..
Thank you for asharing your life and blessings with us. Love the table too!
thank you for your kind comments….God has been so good to me. Praise His Name.
Kari, so happy to see you’re up and at it again. The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me. Our God is an awesome God. as for your remark about downsizing, I don’t know how you can with a stash that’s probably the size of Cleveland! Cute tablescape! PJ
I have to agree with you P.J., I don’t know where I could store my stash. LOL You are right, Our God is an awesome God. I am so grateful for all your prayers and support and I am looking forward to seeing you again. Hugs and Blessings always
Kari, what a blessing you are to all of us! Your strength, determination and faith have no bounds and finding this adorable tablescape in my inbox is truly a gift from God! I have one of those adorable scarecrows in my stash and will now always think of you and smile when I see him ! Don’t wear yourself out please, but happy getting back to normal!!
Jenna, I still dream of being as talented as you….I so admire your art. AND I so appreciate all your prayers …I am not sure God’s plan for me, but I am sure it will be revealed as I recover. He is not finished with me yet. thank you my sweet friend. I am taking things one step at a time. perhaps MY art can use that same principle. LOL
So good to see a post from you Kari! Love the fall tablescape. I have and will continue to pray for your healing and strength to return. God Bless!
Oh Lynda thank you…all your prayers are so appreciated…I am getting stronger each day….altho there are times I feel a bit weak. God has been so good to me.
So excited to have your creativity and happy spirit back in blog world Kari. You’ve been sorely missed! Love the trio of scarecrows and black and white in your lovely fall table.
Thank you Debbee…there is no one like our fellow bloggers…what a great group of people you all are. I can’t wait to catch up with everyone.
Kari, I was so happy to see a post from you in my email. It has happened before but it seems I start thinking about you before you post.I do believe God puts you on my heart.
You have made tremendous progress doing a tablescape and posting it. It looks great.
Your testimony is incredible and I admire you so much. Thankful to God He has seen you through this. So happy for you.
Continued prayers for you to regain your strength and energy. Giving God the Glory and Praise for your recovery.
Thanks Bonnie and i don’t believe there are any accidents where prayer is concerned….there were times when I asked God to take me home to no more pain or suffering and He would answer, …..not yet. I truly believe those were the times when prayers were going up for me, i could feel it.
bless you my friend and thank you for your prayers and support.
God is in control, we must always remember not my will, but thine.
Hugs always..
Kari, I have kept all your posts in my email so I could track when you last updated us (Aug 7), and I have continuously prayed for you. Your journey paralleled a neighbor of ours, and each time her husband would give us an update I would think of you. She is doing well also (pancreatic), had the same surgery and treatment. You are a living proof of faith, not fear, in our God, who is so, so good. Thank you for updating us again. Your tablescape is beautiful, and it was certainly a gift to hear from you today! I’ll keep praying you continue to get healthier each day. As Only Daughter says, do what makes you feel GOOD!
Big hugs!
Rita C at Panoply
Rita, so glad to hear from you, sweet friend. I am sure you are a bit glad to not have a lot of weeding to do since you have moved to your condo. (your garden was beautiful) Believe me, We have given a lot of thought to downsizing since my illness. I have been taking it slow and each and every prayer has been felt, and I am so grateful. thank you. I will add your neighbor to our prayer list,…I am living proof that prayer works. I WAS GIVEN A 1 % chance of survival….and here I am. Our pastor says I am a walking miracle from God. Hugs and blessings, luv ya
God is Great! Wonderful news!
Thank you Darlene….praise God for all His goodness in healing me. You are right …God is great!! hugs
Hi Kari! I was so excited to see an email from you! You have never left my thoughts and prayers. Your tablescape is lovely! Sooo happy you’re well. Thanks to God.
Thank you Tammy…I pray you are well sweet friend. I appreciate you so much…..Blessings Always
I am so happy mom, you’ve been doing a little bit every day. To feel good enough to do something as a table scape to make you feel whole again it’s a blessing. I know when we have visited in this past year we have tried to help you out so much but some things we cannot do. We have wanted to tackle that office but that is something that only you can do and one day you will get it done but don’t push too hard I don’t want you getting tired out. You have done so much rearranging and cleaning out in other areas this last two weeks and I know it makes you feel good. I love you very much Only daughter💙💙
Words can not express how much I (we) love you and there is no way to tell you of the encouragement you have given to me over the past year and a half….especially on those days when I felt the worst. Your words of wisdom always helped me. Your trips down here have always brightened my days and your phone calls and ‘facetime’ visits (even when I looked like a bald headed, pale, wrinkly old woman…LOL) always made me smile especially when I got to talk and see my little great grand babies. Believe me, it was never lost on me how you kept track of my chemo treatments, doctor appointments, therapy sessions, caretaker visits, etc. and you always asked or commented about each and every one. (Of course I can’t forget my sweet grand daughter who hopped on a plane time and again….and she also baked cookies and cleaned out expired grocery and spice staples,…or you cleaning out my closet and my growing stack of papers and books. you guys did the things i couldn’t do and I will never forget it.)
I am so proud of the young woman you have become. Yes, the office will be a challenge, but one I will embrace as time goes on. After all, you have told me many times to take things one step at a time.
Hugs and blessings to my beautiful, only daughter.
You are beautiful inside and out.
I am so happy to see your posts again. So happy you are gaining strength every day. I have missed you, your humor as well as your messages of faith. I remember your healing as I pray for 3 friends of mine and another blogger’s husband who are battling cancer. Keep them in your prayers too.
Nancy, I will certainly add your friends to our prayer list….you have been so faithful to me and the Captain….and I appreciate you so much. God is so good. Blessings always
I was so happy to receive a post. I love your fall decorations so pretty. Im even happier you are cancer free. Praise the Lord for he is great. I will keep praying for you and yiur family
Have a blessed day
Hugs Judy
Thank you so much Judy….I so appreciate all your prayers and support. Praise God for His wonderful grace…He is definitely the Great Physician. Hugs
How wonderful. Truly a blessing that you are back. Please take care and do not push yourself.
Thank you sweet Jane….please say “hi” to your wonderful sister and niece. I will never forget your visit to our home a few years ago….what a great time we all had. Hugs and thank you for your wonderful cards….loved ’em!
Dear Kari,
You did a wonderful on the setting. Now, you just keep stronger.
Love you,
I loved your wonderful video cards my dear friend……you and Ron are always in our prayers and I am taking it slow. It took me a couple weeks to set up that tablescape…..LOL
We just got home from church and I was so excited to see your comments my dear sweet friend…It feels so good to finally have a clear head without flu like symptoms with me 24-7. Praise God. Oh, and BTW, I love Sunshine/Butterfly Cottage….you are such a talented designer, with EM’s help of course. LOL Thank you for your kind comments and God Bless you and your wonderful family. Love and hugs right back at you!
Kari, I had been concerned since your last update which was August, I think. To see this tablescape today just makes me smile so big and makes me want to do a happy dance 💃 Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Knowing that you are cancer free and that you are strong enough to put together a lovely fall tablescape makes me so happy! What a journey you have had, but to be on the other side, and know that your faith has sustained you is a powerful testimony! I can’t say enough to God be the glory! Love and hugs and continued prayer for your strength to improve daily.
We just got home from church and I was so excited to see your comments my dear sweet friend…It feels so good to finally have a clear head without flu like symptoms with me 24-7. Praise God. Oh, and BTW, I love Sunshine/Butterfly Cottage….you are such a talented designer, with EM’s help of course. LOL Thank you for your kind comments and God Bless you and your wonderful family. Love and hugs right back at you!
I am beyond excited to have you back. I have missed you so very much. So glad you are back at church! ♥️